Saturday, November 30, 2013

Doers of the word

We have been studying the writings of Christ's half brother-James.  James takes a very 'logical' (student handbook) approach to the doctrines of the gospel.  
James asks us to be "Doers of the word, and not hearers only".
I thought of this as I have thought about family this week. I have not always understood the importance.  I know that family is supposed to be our greatest treasure, but I did not see exactly how family fits in God's plan for us in mortality.
We spent Thanksgiving at my wife's grandparents home.  Lined up against the wall of grandma Richards house are small photo books, each with a different name on them. They read, "Emma, Ellie, Jessica, Will etc.".  
Grandma Richards keeps a whole book for each of her grandchildren. I thought of how much the grandchildren must feel loved, knowing they have a place to belong. 
I learned that family is one of the best places to learn to keep the first commandments. To love God and to love our neighbor.
From them "Doing" the word I also learned that when we say that we can be with our families forever, it's a good idea to speak about your family on an individual level. I can be with Joe forever, mom forever, dad forever or whichever relation you choose to think of. 

I am grateful for the doers of the word this last week.

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